
Get to know the folks that make Mauser Fly Fishing happen.


Perry McDougald

Where were you born?  Jacksonville, North Carolina.

How old were you when you first picked up the fly rod?  I can't remember the exact age, but I remember my dad trying to teach me how to fly fish on my grandma's pond.  I would guess around the age of 12.

First fish you ever caught?  First fish ever was a tiny largemouth from the same pond my dad tried to teach me how to fly fish on.  First fish on a fly was a brown trout from the Watauga River in Valle Crucis, NC.

Favorite fish you've ever caught?  My favorite by far is a redfish, but my most memorable are small cutthroat on a hidden creek we dubbed "No Nate Creek" in CO.

Coolest place you've ever fished?  Everywhere.  There's nothing not cool about fly fishing.

Bucket list trip?  Ummm...which one?  My number 1 would have to be for Yumame Trout in Japan.

Favorite food?  Cold Swiss Rolls and a canned Mountain Dew.



Dallas Thomas

Where were you born?  Colorado Springs, CO

How old were you when you first picked up the fly rod?  I got my first fly rod on Christmas, when I was 9 years old.

First fish you ever caught?  Rainbow Trout at our family cabin near Deckers, CO.

Favorite fish you've caught?  44" Bull Drum in Louisiana

Coolest place you've ever fished?  A little winding creek in a top secret location in Colorado that has been code named "No Nate Creek".

Bucket List Trip?  Baja Peninsula for Roosterfish

Favorite food?  Tacos, tacos and more tacos



Justin Sienkiel

Where were you born?

How old were you when you first picked up a fly rod?

First fish you ever caught?

Favorite fish you've caught?

Coolest place you've ever fished?

Bucket list trip?

Favorite Food?



John Mauser

Where were you born?  Virginia Beach, Virginia.

How old were you when you first picked up a fly rod?  Probably about 10 years old.

First fish you ever caught?  Bluegill.

Favorite fish you've caught?  Tarpon, because by the time you realize you've hooked him, he's already launched 6ft in the air, done 3 backflips and run 200 yards.  Pure insanity.

Coolest place you've ever fished?  The flats of the Bahamas, the most beautiful and surreal place I've ever cast a line.

Bucket list trip?  The Seychelles.  GT's... need I say more?

Favorite food?  Sushi.